Saturday, September 22, 2007


And here I am. I feel like that kid whose parents move him every few years and never lets him develop friendships at school and he can't have anything permanently. I'm not talking about myself personally, I'm talking about my blogs.

See, originally I was at, which lasted for about a year or less. My most significant post on there was a retrospect on September 11th and how it made me into who I am today. Brewster read it and made a sarcastic comment. I laughed and left.

In February I got my MySpace account and have made approximately 10 posts on it. Just the little things of course. I still maintained my ambiguity (word of the day, Mr. Hughes) when discussing people and/or subjects I didn't want to be completely straightforward about. I guess because people frequented my 'space enough that my blogs picked up a little more steam there. Hopefully, even without the "friends" linked on here, I can get some views.

I'm on now thanks to my AP English teacher, who set up an account for the class so they may post and argue and discuss the books we read and the topics we cover in class. I suppose it helps because not all people like to speak up in class. I usually choose not to because it's too early and all my remarks would come across as snide and sarcastic. On the flip side, a lively debate, even one at 8am, is something that should be absolutely essential in an AP English class. Hopefully we can find a balance between online and real life. Anyway, this blog will work to mix business (school) and pleasure (everything else) topics of my ever interesting life. Business time is over, baby.


First off, the title of this post is from a Simpsons episode, but it still has relevancy in this as well, which is why I chose it. The Karma I refer to is that of which runs my life lately. The early part of this week I was on a roll, meaning my confidence level was high, things were going my way, and I was finding the right parking spot everywhere. But then I had to check myself, because I believe the rules of Karma apply to me, and I was at a realization of what a high plateau I was on at the moment. How long could I stay up here? Surely not long. I started to fear that the next day would be the day that my good Karma runs out and i might get hit by a car or something. It was my fear for at least, I don't know, maybe 12 hours. But then came my daily source of relief and happiness, my friend Emily Kuhn came on AIM and I told her of my concern. Emily, who is now a freshman at Wayne State University, calmed me down and explained that I couldn't let the thought of this impending bad Karma get to me. That if I were to counter those thoughts with positive thoughts, and if I worked my "chi" in my advantage, my days would go unruined. I thanked her kindly for her help and went into the next day with positive thoughts. What do you know, my roll continued, my confidence was on the verge of annoying, and I was still snagging that parking spot I was vying for.

Then came Thursday. I apologize in advance for the upcoming ambiguity and such, but I still choose to keep some of my moments unblogged. Continuing, Thursday came and a moment of truth arrived, but with only middling, lackluster results. When you devout yourself to something for 9 months and work and work and work toward a goal and find yourself with barely any progress made, you begin to doubt whether the costs outweigh the benefits. That was my moment of doubt and weakness. Weighing these two options and try to figure out whether my goal was worth all of this. I slept on it, not my goal literally, but on the thought of it. I awoke to find myself saying, "yes". It's all worth it. The end result is everything to you. There is no limit to the work you'd do for it because it really is everything. And that's when my bad Karma ended. Yeah, that's right, [bleep] you, bad Karma. I apologize once more for this paragraph, which must just seem utterly confusing to you unless you're me or you're exceptionally deep into my mind and psyche.

So, I may on an off chance see Emily on Monday, and I'll have to thank her again for helping me get over my bad Karma Thursday. Where would I be without that amazing girl?


Notes of Un-Interest...

-The Tigers have left me a broken and battered (no pun) fan of the team. I can't watch them anymore. Leyland better kick some sense into them over the off-season.

-Ms. Nasif isn't cutting it, and I know I don't stand alone on this issue. I'm sure other will agree when I say I wish Spier was still around and ripping it up in AP Econ.

-Tyler and I are in the process of beginning a load of videos. I'm sure one of them will end up on the announcements. Hilarity is what we aim for.

-I get money.

-If no one knows them by now, you will eventually. Flight of the Conchords is the greatest thing since...that oddly cut bread stuff.

-I'm retaking the ACT in October. I hope to boost my 29 up to at least a 30. Just that will be worth the money my Mom is shelling out for me to retake this.

-I made Jim Halpert as my picture representative for a few reasons.

1. I am convinced we share near identical personalities.

2. We both have that trouble getting the girl even though she's right there.

3. Jim is the man.

-Finally, having a car is great. Kinda lame way to end the first post. Sorry, I should've apologized in advance for that.

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