Tuesday, February 3, 2009



Towering in height, to the Brits t’was a sight
And they christened it the loup-de-guerre.
It would frighten their foe, and leave them in woe
But as in love, all in war is fair.

Quite a distance it could throw, and to Scotland it would go
By order of Edward the King.
Stones three hundred pounds or more, would be sent in the air to soar
With just the lightest fling.

Approaching the castle Stirling, it was ready to do its hurling
Only to be told to halt.
The Scots caught its eye, and rather than die
Asked that there’d be no assault.

The battle had not even begun, but the Brits had it won
And the conflict had been defused.
But as the swords fell, Edward let out a yell,
Saying, “I’d still like to see it used.”